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Articles tagged “adventure”


Free Skift Report: The Rise of Experiential Travel

The most forward-thinking travel brands are delivering these types of experiences by focusing on three things above all else: inspiration, personalization and a path toward self-discovery. Are you one of them? Understand the trend, download this free report.

Free Skift Report: The Rise of Experiential Travel


Adventure Video Of The Year: A Lovable American Douchebag in Kyrgyzstan

Content marketing at its best. And we mean "douchebag" in the most lovable way possible. You'll see what we mean after you watch the film.

Adventure Video Of The Year: A Lovable American Douchebag in Kyrgyzstan


Inside the Mind of an Average Adventure Traveler

Adventure tourism has grown alongside a global uptick in travel so it's only logical that the future of the adventure travel market is largely dependent on whether activities and sports become popular among the growing number of tourists from China and India.

Inside the Mind of an Average Adventure Traveler


Bragging rights fuel a new breed of excessive travelers

As travel costs decreased and social media rose up, a certain set of travelers decided that sharing their journeys was as important as taking them. The results are month-long trips taken in extreme conditions; those that modern-day travel was originally invented to replace.

Bragging rights fuel a new breed of excessive travelers


The layman’s guide to hiking the Himalayas

True mountain climbers bemoan the proliferation of guided tours and housing on the Himalayans mountains, but local governments welcome the untrained high-spending tourists with open arms.

The layman’s guide to hiking the Himalayas


Tourism is ruining everything special about Mount Everest

Whether mass tourism at Everest is a blessing or curse depends on who you ask: The economic boost for the Kathmandu government and mountain guides comes at the cost of the mountain’s cleanliness and prestige.

Tourism is ruining everything special about Mount Everest

Skift Originals

The case for bringing adventure back into adventure travel

Europe pioneered adventure travel, and now as it teeters in these recessionary times with declining tourism prospects, it needs to bring that original adventure spirit back if it wants legions of Asian and American tourists to keep coming.

The case for bringing adventure back into adventure travel


New Zealand urged to mandate higher safety standards for adventure tourism

New Zealand has too much riding on its reputation for adventure tourism to be anything but vigilant in vetting operators, but accidents are going to occur anywhere people are jumping out of planes on a daily basis.

New Zealand urged to mandate higher safety standards for adventure tourism


Winter travel firms are adapting to climate change by adding summer activities

The writing's on the wall, and the wall's melting too.

Online Travel

Six millennial-friendly travel startups rework online reviews and tackle NYC