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Business Travel News

These articles explore key aspects of the industry, including travel buyers, distribution, duty of care, and loyalty programs, providing valuable insights for stakeholders and decision-makers. Travel buyers will find relevant information on the latest procurement strategies, negotiation tactics, and supplier relations, enabling them to make informed decisions and optimize their travel programs. In the realm of distribution, the archive covers the evolving landscape of booking channels, global distribution systems (GDS), and direct connects, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in this area. The archive also delves into the critical issue of duty of care, emphasizing the importance of traveler safety, risk management, and compliance with ever-changing regulations. Learn also how companies are leveraging loyalty programs to enhance traveler satisfaction, drive cost savings, and foster long-term relationships with suppliers.

Business Travel

How Hipmunk plans to take the agony out of business travel

Hipmunk business class is a smart move, although the company will find out that business travel is more than a few features and isn't "easy."

Business Travel

Fare-tracker Yapta’s new CEO to target corporate market rather than consumers

Yapta's push into the corporate market is a no-brainer as it can provide a valuable service for large corporations which don't have such tools of their own.

Business Travel

U.S. business travel expected to drop until year’s end

Economic instability affects both businesses who plan to cut back on travel spending and Americans who choose not to travel because they can't afford to look like they're slacking

Business Travel

All the products and services Silicon Valley types use to ease biz travel

The New York Times' new travel column "The Getaway" debuts with a checklist of helpful tips and more product placement than Lucky magazine.

Business Travel

Is a new GSA-type conventions scandal brewing?

The jury is out on the details of this government agency's spending practices on conventions. Still, in the wake of the GSA brouhaha, the travel spending practices of the entire government are under the microscope.

Business Travel

Europe’s woes cause biz travel to slow its growth

The small growth that the GBTA has seen is due to the higher prices business travelers are paying for hotel rooms and airplane tickets rather than increased activity.

Business Travel

Lower business travel forecasts from U.S. to Europe with economic woes

Growth in business travel, as in all sectors of travel, is outside U.S. and Europe, and even U.S. travelers spend more internationally, numbers show.

Business Travel

Top 10 cities for travel tech startups

Even if you don't want to start your own company, Tnooz's list of cities reads like a top destinations list for wired travelers who want to be inspired.

Business Travel

Why employees shouldn’t put up with being seated in the back of the plane

Sharkey's argument is hard to disagree with: People who spend their work life busting their hump for a company need more respect and comfort, even if that costs home office a bit more money.

Business Travel

Western Africa is connecting business travelers with new opportunities

While interest in consumer goods is luring business people to western Africa, countries like China and Brazil are deeply engaged in building infrastructure.