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United Airlines News

The latest news and analysis of United Airlines, including breaking news, executive interviews, earnings coverage, and analysis of its competitors.


United Airlines joins three other airlines in support of sustainable biofuels

This group of airlines is working towards the commercialization of aviation biofuels, which reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10%, but it will need government support to offset costs of this expensive alternative.


Three United flights turn around after takeoff this weekend due to safety issues

There was no specific airport, jet model, or malfunction behind each of the turnarounds so United has its work cut out to convince passengers it has maintenance issues under control.


More outsourcing from United Airlines: This time it’s pets

What United saves on outsourcing service to third-parties will likely need to be spent on a PR blitz this month. First they lose a child, then they deliver a near-death dog.


What adults can learn about unaccompanied minors from United Airlines’ blundering

Southwest stands out from its competitors for not off-loading the responsibility of watching after minors to third-party contractors.


United viral criticism builds after news spreads of an ignored unaccompanied minor

This highlights problems in United's unaccompanied minor services and the efficiency of their customer service; however, it also gives the airline a chance to shine if it steps up with a stellar response and service improvements.


United apologized in advance of DOT report, but sorry doesn’t make flights arrive on time

United Airlines has a gargantuan task ahead of it if the airline is to get its house back in order from a customer-service standpoint.

United apologized in advance of DOT report, but sorry doesn’t make flights arrive on time


Continental and United pilots are just a few steps away from erasing the line that separates them

US Airways and American take heed: after two years of negotiations, the 12,000 pilots are the first labor group of the merged United line to agree in principle to a new contract.


That’ll bet $10 more dollars: United raises fares for second week in a row

Considering ow variable the cost of a ticket can be, $5 or $10 bumps largely go unnoticed by flyers once the headlines have disappeared.


SkiftAds: United’s new TV campaign in support of USA Olympics team

United new ad campaign for Team USA, plain vanilla as ever.


Hear this AA-US Airways merger boosters: United Continental’s integration woes drags earnings

Forget about merging cultures, they couldn't merge non-cultural items like reservation systems. What hope do we hold out for AA-US Airways if it happens?