
Online Travel

Is Hipmunk the best travel booking website on the planet?

  • Skift Take
    Hipmunk is innovative, for sure, but is it more than a few features and does it have enough staying power to get its brand known beyond Silicon Valley?

    Adam Goldstein, Co-Founder and CEO of Hipmunk at 2012 PhoCusWright conference. Photo by PhoCusWright

    George Orwell said journalism is “printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.” … I don’t feel bad writing a few paragraphs of unpaid PR for Hipmunk, a two-year-old travel-booking site. This post meets the Orwellian bar for journalism insofar as it’s not what Expedia, Orbitz, Priceline, and want printed: Hipmunk is the best travel site on the Web. Period.

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